Friday, November 19, 2010

Which Floor?

The elevator is an intriguing place.We find them at offices, malls, apartment complexes et al.Some are the traditional grilled doors with the audible click clack and visible transformers changing their forms in the background, some are more slick, with the sliding doors which cut you off from the outside world and make you wonder if you really are moving an inch, those which are so silent with all the shiny buttons and LED screens, while some are like the windows of the world, with glass all around, so that the people in and out the elevator can see both ways, this is embarrassing for some and exciting for others.

The elevators in the malls are either the glass, open type ones or the ones with automatic doors. Malls have people with loads of bags with them moving up and down unable to decide what to buy first or run around to the counter giving a discount. These elevators provide the means to commute in the mall full of spendthrifts. In the see through elevators ( as i call them ) people get noticed so they are extra careful of their looks and attire, few are totally unaware and are caught by perverts and a casual by stander.

The elevators in the apartment blocks are generally the grill type old model ones and are places of silence mostly, people just get in and get off, some start a conversation if the other person is a pretty girl. The conversations are generally casual greetings and questions about the other persons well being and children, if any. Some guys get lucky meeting a girl and start a conversation which sometimes ( as shown in movies ) ends up in love at first sight and then a wedding, for others who are not so lucky ( most likely 99% ) end up getting a frown from the girl or absolute stunning silence ( live demo of "pin drop silence" ).

The elevators of the office are generally the closed door automatic types and my most favorite. These are the places where people discuss as though its a board room meeting, there are heated arguments, cribbing, decisions being taken, employees being patted on their backs and even employees venting out emotions.Office elevators are places where people discuss work, movies, sports, life and everything under the sun. Here we see people talk about Oracle, Java, C etc etc and then there comes a floor where so called "freaks" get on ( generally from call centres or gaming/entertainment companies ) and talk about some rock concert, games, graphics, girls ( mind you, very openly ) also about "work" in between ( coz games etc is their work \m/ ). One particular day a group of guys got in the elevator i was in and they were chatting away about their manager and some coding problems and deadlines they are facing and then on another floor get in these guys from a gaming/movie animation company and start talking about few movies they worked on and games they worked on.

All this makes me wonder, as to how a place created by man himself, is a common juncture for people to travel for few minutes/seconds and discuss life, work and everything else that can be debated, irrespective of Caste, Creed and Race. Truly, for me an elevator is one of those places you least expect that such a variety and mixed group of people meet if not by choice but by destiny.

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