Monday, May 17, 2010

Where's the Faarty yaar! :)

A fart is a pleasant thing,
It gives the belly ease,
It warms the bed in winter,
And suffocates the fleas.

A fart can be quiet,
A fart can be loud,
Some leave a powerful,
Poisonous cloud

A fart can be short,
Or a fart can be long,
Some farts have been known
To sound like a song.....

A fart can create
A most curious medley,
A fart can be harmless,
Or silent, and deadly.

A fart might not smell,
While others are vile,
A fart may pass quickly,
Or linger a while......

A fart can occur
In a number of places,
And leave everyone there,
With strange looks on their faces .

From wide-open prairie,
To small elevators,
A fart will find all of
Us sooner or later..

But farts are all bad,
Is simply not true-
We must never forget...
Sweet old farts like you!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

People around you

In the beginning, i promised myself that i would update my blog every month but i now realize that it's not easy to get topics to write about and also the time.

In this topic i am going to talk about the people around us:

Let's start from home;

1. Dad:
When we were younger it was more of a fear factor sorta thing to go and speak to dad, whether it was asking for pocket money or getting the report card signed.He was to be feared and he maintained that demeanor from school through college, though i missed him for many years during schooling due to his work commitments.Today, he is more like a friend, a guide, a counselor, a mentor, this transformation helped me understand his strategy in making me a responsible adult. It's all about a "plan" for the fathers, it's about how you prepare your son/daughter for the future and try to come out unscathed.The man who let you play on his chest,jump on his tummy and wet his favourite shirt, the man who said it's ok when you were down and set his hand on your shoulder, the man who patted you when you reached your goal and the man who slapped you when you did something bad, this is the man who lived his life struggling to make our lives easy. Sometimes dads cannot express themselves emotionally but they do like to be lent that hand when they retire :)

2. Mom:
She was the first person we looked at when we entered this world, the first sign of life that greeted us into this cruel world, she took us into her arms and caressing us, and promising to take care of us.The greatest gift to mankind is a mother.She was the person who changed all the stinking diapers, fed us Cerelac and what not, running around us, dressed us for school and packed our lunch boxes.The care she took when we fell sick and the pain she endured when dad hit us for getting low scores.This lady has taken so much stress and responsibility to make her child grow into an adult who can take care of himself/herself.Now when we are old enough to make
decisions she takes a back seat and observes the family and makes sure the things are done in the "right" way!She has spent all her life dedicated to "taking care", be it her husband, her kids or her grand children.She is the epitome of sacrifice and love.

3. Siblings:
This person is a fascination to us.If he/she is elder to us then it's more of living in awe of them for the first few years.The way he/she dresses up, the accessories they use, the pocket money they sometimes give us is all something amusing.They take good care of us and are very protective (in many cases).The younger ones are our tails, follow you everywhere, bug you with weird questions, put you in awkward situations and also do whatever you ask them to.A sibling is
the first person whom you can tell a secret and the last person whom you know will hurt you (also, in many cases).They tend to get distant with their responsibilities in future but they will always remain our blood.


1. Friends:
In today's world there are many definitions to friendship.For many, friends are more than family, infact they are the only family.This sort of feeling is not something i have and am happy to say that.A friend is one who lent you a pencil when you forgot yours, a person who shared lunch boxes, a person who played cricket with you on a hot sunny day, a person who bunked college with you to go for a movie, a person who stood beside you when you broke up with your loved one, a person who slapped you when you got too drunk.A friend is a person who travels with you in your life in all those places where generally parents are not allowed. :)

2. Relatives/Neighbors:
They can be good/bad/nosey/irritating et al. They come in all shapes and sizes.There is no dearth for them folks and are always around.They can be of great help sometimes and equally painful.Society calls for cordial relations with fellow human beings and this holds good within a family too. They are the ones who attend your first birthday and play with you, they are the ones who shout at you when you break their window while playing cricket, they are the ones who see you at family functions and pass comments about how thin/fat we have become, they are the ones looking for girls/boys to get you hitched, they are the ones who give/ask you the occasional milk or sugar.They are also the people who visit you during hard times and console you during a loss.A human being needs them so that he can be sane in this insane world.

Well, as they say, change is the only thing that is constant.The human nature to evolve and adapt makes him superior to the other living beings on this planet,the other thing that he has that others don't is that he has managed to keep himself in touch/maintain relationships with his own kind so as to move further and be called one family, i.e THE HUMAN RACE.