Sunday, July 26, 2009

Night Life

For us people who work during the odd hours', weekends' are a curse.We are deprived of sleep and are wide awake when the rest of the continent we live in, is in deep slumber.The night brings with it not dreams filled with fantasies or mysteries, but sudden awakening and deep pondering into ones one purpose in life and the future which lay ahead, so uncertain.

It is very difficult to sleep at night during the weekends.Unnecessary thoughts, the obvious facts and the known past keep visiting you like uninvited guests, they who are not only untimely, but also ready to shoot blunt questions at you.Why do we keep answering them?

The past plays a real spoil sport at such a time, we try to forget what has passed and look to move on, but funny as it seems, memories show you the brighter side of it and once when you are in its trap, the ugly side unfolds.Relationships that went sour, friends letting you down, failure, all of these tend to make you self sympathetic and assure you that you have seen the worst.

Reading books hasn't helped either, i recently discovered that the people who won the Booker Prize from India are such boring and "long" authors.It has so much glorification of the down trodden in India, the dark side of politics and the "yes we are like this an we wont change" attitude.I don't know if writing/directing about India in this manner will get you world wide recognition and accolades but it has made a common man like me wonder and sad.Partly, i am at fault too, because it was me who wanted to know what was in those books that got them those laurels!!

As you can see the drift from topic to topic in the above few paragraphs, it is evident that working during odd hours can have a toll on your concentration factor as well :).

I am ending this rather, obscure little article on the note that: if you are ever asked to work in the odd hours, say night, try to refrain, it kills you socially and mentally too.