Sunday, July 26, 2009

Night Life

For us people who work during the odd hours', weekends' are a curse.We are deprived of sleep and are wide awake when the rest of the continent we live in, is in deep slumber.The night brings with it not dreams filled with fantasies or mysteries, but sudden awakening and deep pondering into ones one purpose in life and the future which lay ahead, so uncertain.

It is very difficult to sleep at night during the weekends.Unnecessary thoughts, the obvious facts and the known past keep visiting you like uninvited guests, they who are not only untimely, but also ready to shoot blunt questions at you.Why do we keep answering them?

The past plays a real spoil sport at such a time, we try to forget what has passed and look to move on, but funny as it seems, memories show you the brighter side of it and once when you are in its trap, the ugly side unfolds.Relationships that went sour, friends letting you down, failure, all of these tend to make you self sympathetic and assure you that you have seen the worst.

Reading books hasn't helped either, i recently discovered that the people who won the Booker Prize from India are such boring and "long" authors.It has so much glorification of the down trodden in India, the dark side of politics and the "yes we are like this an we wont change" attitude.I don't know if writing/directing about India in this manner will get you world wide recognition and accolades but it has made a common man like me wonder and sad.Partly, i am at fault too, because it was me who wanted to know what was in those books that got them those laurels!!

As you can see the drift from topic to topic in the above few paragraphs, it is evident that working during odd hours can have a toll on your concentration factor as well :).

I am ending this rather, obscure little article on the note that: if you are ever asked to work in the odd hours, say night, try to refrain, it kills you socially and mentally too.

Monday, May 4, 2009

random stuff

This bit is from one of those regular boring days that i keep having!

Was back from a colleague's wedding yesterday, it was so damn hot, there was a warm breeze even at around 12 in the night.i had a good time though at the wedding, infact we were there a day early and got time to visit some places nearby.I didn't got to the office yesterday as i was damn tired and the heat certainly helped getting me a massive headache!.

The point is, i don't know why i am writing this article!...its just that, i have to go to the office
in the evening and i don't know what to do till then.watching a movie is a part of the itinerary, the regular dose of sleep included!.

Anyways, it will be 2 years since i started working, the day after tomorrow! May 7th to be
precise.Life at EA has been pretty OK so far. Made a couple of good friends and learnt a lot about "life" in general.Days go by and you hardly notice the changes it has brought, friends tend to move further away from you, family bonds grow stronger, everything becomes a priority, now, as you are on your own and responsible for your actions.The strong feeling of "becoming" something, achieving your goals takes front seat.There is also a sense of urgency in achieving those, as if now is the time to do it!.For me, as it may be with others as well, there is also a pinch of confusion as to where my life is headed, or what i should do in future.There is a constant debate whether to follow my heart, or mind.I also get this feeling of staying single for a really long time! :D., the "burden" (pardon me my female friends :P) of another person in my life just doesn't seem right at the moment!, mind you this is just a feeling which might change when i meet that someone special! :).Mom has become damn religious and she's getting on my nerves, dad is busy (as he has been for the past 30 years!) with office an gen stuff, bro is busy too with college and his life!, i suddenly get the feeling, its time i moved out. I feel, i need to stop living with someone i know!. Living alone may be an option.A chance to rediscover, plan and even enjoy some freedom is what i crave for at the moment.

well, that's it i guess!...for now!...i will be back with more of such articles, maybe better an more interesting!...

signing off for now! :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Summer Rain

Summer Rain:

am trying my hand at poetry too for a change :P..yeah, i know many of you will laugh.(me too when i was writing this! ).

This poem is inspired by the summer rain,which i happened to watch today...

the noon was dull,
the roads were dusty,
we could hear the hawkers call
fading with distance in lanes that were empty.

the sun was blazing in all its flair,
humans, animals none were spared.
a small cloud appeared out of nowhere,
it gathered few friends which now looked like grandma's hair.

slowly the clouds gobbled up the sun,
the weather looked a lot more gloomy.
it started getting dark and the kids came out for some fun,
the birds were confused by nature's folly :P.

suddenly,there was a tiny visitor from the heavens,
he was scared but decided to take the plunge,but not in vain.
mother earth took him into her bosom to caress,
soon others followed and there was rain!.

the dust swirls around in the rain,
looks like the gown of a small girl playing.
it brings a smile on the face again,
the smell of water on hot earth is really soothing.

summer rain is short lived like a good dream,
it's lovely as long as you are asleep.
one stops with mom's scream,
the other with clear skies and sun back to being supreme!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

cooRgy wooRgy!


After the annual shut down had begun, kapil(a.k.a panchee!) planned for an "awesome" movie called "Neninthe".
The experience was truly "mind- blowing".After the brain wash session, we planned to go for dinner at the famous,Chutney's at Himayatnagar.There, after ordering the usual meals with loads and loads of "neyyi", suddenly kapil came up with the idea,and was like," hey..wanna got to Coorg"..we were like.."what?",then we kinda decided and fixed upon the trip.

Till the last day we were uncertain of whether the tickets were confirmed or not!( The tickets were booked in a train called Gareeb Rath :P).On the day of the departure i.e 28th, we all receiveda mail from vinay (a.k.a dexter!), it was regarding the rough details of the trip and assuring us of the tickets too :P
The mail was filled with loads of puns! It was as real fun mail.My bro on the other hand was like "em ra, gareeb rath ante, train first platform meeda podune vochi, andari kosam wait chesi, full aithe kani poda" hehe

Me(a.k.a KK ) and dexter arrived at the Secbad station and there were trilok(a.k.a 3ll!) and sundeep(a.k.a QA Lead) waiting for us.We boarded the train and were waiting for the others.
Santosh(a.k.a saneo!) and panchee. All of us settled an then the usual flow of people etc followed. We were hunting for some birds, when suddenly dexter's mom an dad arrived, there was
a sudden change in wind and we all became the "bhola bhaala, ramudu manchi baludus" and stepped down from the bogey and spoke to aunty and uncle :P

The train began to budge and we all got in, sat down at our seats and gup shup shuru!Me was buzy clicking pics of all of us in candid moods,dexter and QA lead were buzy with the accounts book, 3ll was posing as usual, saneo and panchee were posing but with different backgrounds( birds it seems :P).
Dinner arrived and we all hogged away till the last morsel, hungry that we were!. Later we started playing cards (the game was rummy i guess, i didnt play:P)
after few rounds we all slept (on the "kind" request of the co- passengers :P).Sleep was just a bahana so that few ppl could call..ahem! "frnz" :P (STD also included :D)
Sleep for me and dexter was really tough, the a.c on full blast and the berth(upper) too small!
Anyways the night was uneventful and passed away peacefully.
the next day we got off at Yeshwantpura station, we got off and stood in the queue for the prepaid auto service to reach Majestic to catch a bus to Coorg!
We being bachelors, dat too "handsome" were bird watching :P (few were truly awesome, others were like the rest :P), while QA Lead and dexter were stading in the queue. i was their coolie, taking the samaan to the counter where the autos would be "assigned".
We all crammed into two autos and zoomed to Majestic, an as luck would have it panchee, 3ll and saneo got off at a different place :P, the co-ordinating and boarding of the bus took quite some time, finally we boarded the bus and were off to Madekeri! (Coorg). :)

Day 1:

We travelled to Madiekri in a bus and reached Madikeri at around 3 P.M. We got down at the "wrong" place thinking it to be the bus stand!, and had to walk another kilometer to reach it. From there we reached the travels guy and made arrangements for our stay at a Coffee Estate and travel.
We then reached the Estate at 5 in the evening and relaxed a bit, after which we went for a stroll in the Estate. We later met the Estate owner Mr.Vicky (a.k.a Shikaari Shambu). We spoke to him for a while and then retired to sleep.

Day 2:

We were up early in the morning an sandy, 3ll and dexter went out of the cottage to have the "feel" of the chill down their *peep*.
While we got up and were getting ready for the day's sight seeing, Vicky sent us hot coffee which was - weird(as in good) as it was mixed in water and not the regular decoction.Our tour guide cum the driver was Sameer, he was a guy who understood a bit of hindi and came to our rescue( the locals knw ONLY KANNADA :P).So, we set off on our journey to the waterfalls called Abbey Falls, there we had a few snaps and left early as there was a lot of crowd (the ahem! school crowd :P).From there we set off on our journey to the next site the Mandalapatty view point, it is the highest peak in Coorg. The trek to the peak was cool and the moment we reached the top, we were shocked to see that Sameer was sitting in a place which had the view of the Western Ghats, it was simply AWESOME. We too crawled to the place an took some breathtaking snaps. We spent a lot of time there and started our trek down, we reached our cottage in the evening and refreshed ourselves and then left for watchin the sun set at Raja's Seat.It was a really serene moment, watchin the sun set over the western ghats was pure bliss!


We got up early the next day(31st of Dec :D) as we had to travel a lot to reach a waterfall called the Irupu water falls which. We reached Irupu at arnd 10 A.m and started our 1 k.m trek into the forest, after a while we reached the place an were awe struck by the sheer height and force with which the water was falling!, it was an awesome experience. Kapil, Sandy, 3ll, Vinay and even Santosh got into the water, but i was down with a cold so i didn't take a risk :P. We left the place and embarked on our journey to the Wildlife Park (don't rem the name :D). We had to wait for an hour to get a bus into the park. IT WAS THE WORST PART OF OUR TRIP. We could count the no. of animals we saw (2 Elephants, 1 Wild Boar, 1 Mongoose and countless Deer). The sad state of many such Wildlife Parks in India :(.
We actually crossed the border into Kerala when we went to the National Park( excerpts from sunny).
We came back home and were damn tired.Vicky had arranged a camp fire for us that night so that we could spend the New Year's eve in a really kewl way!. We had all gathered around the fire and were chatting away into the night, then when the time came we all wished each other, ppl got calls, their gf's, parents, frnz etc etc. We really had a gr8 time at!

Day 4:

The next day we got up early an packed up to leave for Bangalore.On our way we went to a Elephant camp called the Dubare camp where a lot of wild elephants were caught and trained.Me and 3ll crossed the lake in a boat while the others took a rather adventorous route, walking through the river! :P.Here we spent some time watching the Elephants being bathed.Also, here we had witnessed a sight which i am sure NONE of us will ever forget, the "5th leg" as we guys famously call it :D ROFL .En route, we went to a Tibetan Settlement, this place was sersly awesome! It had all the architecture, the Monks, the dressing, everything suggested we had entered TIBET! :). We had a stroll inside the GOlden Temple and were lucky to take a snap with a Monk. The interiors of the temple were mind blowing, the art on the walls and the Idols of Lord Buddha ( and 2 others whose name i cannot recollect) were simply fantastic! We left the place and went straight to the bus station to leave for Bangalore. We reached Kapil's cuz ke ghar pe at around 11 in the night and dozed off.The next day we went around Brigade Rd. and MG Road. Later that evenin we took the train back to Hyd.

On the whole the trip was awesome.The amount of fun we had is easily depicted in the sheer no. of pics we took ( nearly 4 to 6 GB!!!).The trek to Mandalapatty and the Irupu water falls stand out in the trip. It's really fun to spend time with frnz and if that time is spent on something like this- then its wat i call "maaki kirkiri" time :D

In true Hyderabadi style : "Mama, masth mazaa aaya, pottiyon ko dekhe, nature ka mazaa liya, doston ke saath khoob masti kara, bangalore mein toh ladkiyon ko dekhke fusaan ud gaye, bole toh ek dum rupchik rimbola njoi kare miyaan"

few phrases/words/nicknames which am sure we all will rem which sprouted out during the trip :P :

1. I am sorry! for the last.......(3ll)
2. QA Lead (sandy :D).
3. Bottoms up! (kapil)
4. LOL amma (santu).
5. Dexter pro (vinay).
6. Insane f****r (karthik).

until the next trip.... :)